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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.08.10. My Son Is Failing Math!: I Hired an Online Tutor 본문
[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.08.10. My Son Is Failing Math!: I Hired an Online Tutor
반짝반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 8. 9. 09:52Power expressions and Examples
1. fill in the gaps - to add what is needed to make something complete
(국문 설명) 공백을 채우다
→ (예문) I need a few more coins to fill in the gaps in my coin collection.
2. get to the heart of the matter - to discuss the most important aspect of an issue
(국문 설명) 문제의 핵심을 말하다
→ (예문) After a brief conversation, Sandra got to the heart of the matter and announced she was quitting.
3. talk down to someone - to speak to someone as if they are less mature or intelligent
(국문 설명) 남을 얕보는 듯한 투로 이야기하다
→ (예문) I hate it when adults talk down to me like I'm a little kid.
Power Pattern
The last thing someone needs is... ~에게는 ...이 필요 없어요.
몇일 전 원서 "플립"을 읽다가 발견한 문장이 생각나서 적어봅니다.
After all, the last thing I needed was for Juli Baker to think I missed her.
(쫑쫑 번역) 결국, Juli Baker가 내가 그녀를 그리워하고 있다고 생각할 필요는 없었다.

쫑쫑과 함께 "플립"을 읽고 싶으시다면? (아래 클릭!!!)
Ch. 3 Buddy, Beware! : 네이버 블로그 (naver.com)
Ch. 3 Buddy, Beware!
♥ 쫑쫑이 외우고 싶은 문장 1. At first it was kind of weird because none of us really knew him. (쫑...
<Power practice>
1. 회계사가 제 세금 양식을 채우는 것을 도와 달라고 저에게 전화했어요. (fill in the gaps)
쫑쫑의 영작: My accountant called me to help fill in the gaps for my tax form.
Correction: My accountant called me to help him fill in the gaps on my tax forms.
2. 이야기할 시간이 많지 않으니 본론으로 들어갑시다. (get to the heart of the matter)
쫑쫑의 영작: Let's get to the heart of the matter because we don't have enough time to talk.
Correction: I don't have a lot of time to talk, so let's get to the heart of the matter.
3. 이 아이들이 이 학교에서 제일 똑똑한 학생들이니, 그들을 얕보지 마세요. (talk down to someone)
쫑쫑의 영작: These kids are the smartest in this school, so please don't talk down to them.
Correction: These are the smartest students in this school, so please don't talk down to them.