쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.08.08. Making Sourdough: If at First You Don't Succeed... 본문

[EBS] Power English 파워잉글리시

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.08.08. Making Sourdough: If at First You Don't Succeed...

반짝반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 8. 8. 19:27

Power expressions and Examples


1. when it comes to something/someone - when considering a particular thing or person

    (국문 설명) ~에 대해서[관해서]라면

    → (예문)  When it comes to beautiful scenery, Switzerland is my favorite place.


2. like-minded people - people with similar opinions, beliefs, or interests

    (국문 설명) 비슷한[같은] 생각[취향]을 가진 사람들

    → (예문) I finally found some like-minded people at my university. Everyone else is so weird!


3. sooner or later - eventually; unavoidably

    (국문 설명) 조만간

    → (예문) Sooner or later, you're going to hav e to find a job.



<Power practice>


1. 와인이라면 프랑스가 최고입니다. (when it comes to something/someone)

쫑쫑의 영작: When it comes to wine, France is the best.

Correction: When it comes to wine, the French make the best. (쫑쫑: 근데.. 왜 makes가 아니라 make일까요..? 혹시 아시는 분???)


2. 마음이 맞는 사람들과 시간을 보내서 좋았다. (like-minded people)

쫑쫑의 영작: I was glad to spend time with like-minded people.

Correction: It was good to spend time with like-minded people.


3. 조만간 나는 타이어를 교체해야 할 거야. (sooner or later)

쫑쫑의 영작: Sooner or later, I will have to exchange my tires.

Correction: Sooner or later, I'm going to replace my tires.