쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.08.05. The Personal Assistant: Going Above and Beyond 본문

[EBS] Power English 파워잉글리시

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.08.05. The Personal Assistant: Going Above and Beyond

반짝반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 8. 4. 11:13

Power expressions and Examples


1. high-profile - prominent or famous

    (국문 설명) 세간의 주목을 받는

    → (예문)  The high-profile businessman flew on a private jet to his own island.


2. go above and beyond - to do more than is expected

    (국문 설명) 필요 이상으로 일을 하다

    → (예문) Bill was named "Teacher of the Year" for going above and beyond for his students.


3. the least one can do - something that one ought to do

    (국문 설명) 할 수 있는 최소한 의 것[성의]

    → (예문) The least you can do is hold the door for me.



<Power practice>


1. 제이크는 프로 스포츠에서 가장 유명한 운동선수 중 한 명이었다. (high-profile)

쫑쫑의 영작: Jake was one of the high-profile athletes in pro sports.

Correction: Jake was one of the most high-profile athletes in professional sports.


2. 의사들과 간호사들은 나를 편안하게 해 주기 위해 필요 이상으로 노력해 주셨다. (go above and beyond)

쫑쫑의 영작: The doctors and nurses went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable.

Correction: The doctors and nusres went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable. (쫑쫑: Wow!)


3. 네가 과거에 나를 태워다 줬으니 네가 내 차를 쓰게 해 주는 것이 내가 할 수 있는 최소한의 일이야. (the least one can do)

쫑쫑의 영작: Because you rode me before, letting you use my car is the least I can do.

Correction: The least I can do is let you use my car after all the rides you gave me in the past.