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[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.07.27. My Dog Ate Chocolate!: He's Got His Appetite Back 본문

[EBS] Power English 파워잉글리시

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.07.27. My Dog Ate Chocolate!: He's Got His Appetite Back

반짝반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 7. 26. 10:44

Power expressions and Examples


1. an appetite for something - desire to eat something

    (국문 설명) ~을 먹고 싶은 욕구

    → (예문)  Doug has an appetite for greasy foods like fries and burgers.


2. keep someone out of something - to prevent someone from getting access to something

    (국문 설명) ~가 ...에 들어가지[접근하지] 않게 하다

    → (예문) How can I keep mosquitoes out of my apartment?


3. check up on someone/something - to check the status of someone/something

    (국문 설명) ~의 상태를 확인하다

    → (예문) The nurse checked up on all the sick patients during her shift.



<Power practice>


1. 조는 비싼 스카치 위스키를 좋아한다. (an appetite for something)

쫑쫑의 영작: Joe has an appetite for priceless Scotch Whisky.

Correction: Joe has an appetite for expensive Scotch whisky.


2. 당신의 개가 제 쓰레기통을 뒤지지 않게 해주세요. (keep someone out of something)

쫑쫑의 영작: Please keep your dog out of my trash can.

Correction: Please keep your dog out of my trash cans.


3. 메리는 칠면조가 타지 않게 하려고 두 시간 후에 칠면조를 확인했다. (check up on someone/something)

쫑쫑의 영작: Mary checked up on the turkey after two hours not to get it burned.

Correction: Mary checked up on the turkey after two hours to make sure it didn't burn.