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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.05.03. 영어공부/낭독 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ reality check 현타
★ came to learn about 알게되다
★ get a grast of 파악하다
★ shake up 큰 변화를 주다
★ beyond recognition 알아보기 힘들정도로 큰 변화 (칭찬)
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ become engrossed with the story 이야기에 몰두하게 되다
★ develop good listening habits 올바른 듣기 습관을 기르다
★ fosters contemplation and reflection 사색과 숙고를 장려한다
★ assess students' comprehension 학생의 독해력을 평가핟
★ how deeply the reader understands the ideas 읽는 사람이 그 생각을 얼마나 심도 있게 이해하는지
★ learn how to use language 언어를 사용하는 법을 배우다
★ make sense of the world 세상을 이해하다
★ information processing skills 정보 처리 능력
★ grasp the bigger picture 더 큰 그림을 이해하다
2022.05.03 [입트영] New Techniques for Studying English (새로운 영어 공부법) [귀트영] What Are the Benefits of Reading Aloud? (낭독의 이점은 무엇인가?) |
1. engross |
2. distortion |
미국식 [ dɪ|stɔ:rʃn ]
영국식 [ dɪ|stɔ:ʃn ]
3. contemplation |
미국식 [ |kɑːntəmpleɪt ]
영국식 [ |kɒntəmpleɪt ]
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
No.1-You can also say.... 'Learning' as an alternative
No.2-You can say 'The teachers' or just 'Teachers'. (쫑쫑: 네, 알 것 같아요.)
The only difference with 'The teachers' is that you are specifying or emphasising strongly.
'Teachers'-When we write without adding 'The', we are referring to a whole . We mean to say -Generally
Exp: The boys like to play pc games-Meaning 'The' boys specifically. The boys can be someone the author knows, the boys can be from a certain school or from somewhere-Meaning specifically.
Exp: Girls like skincare
Without adding 'The' to the Sentence, we are saying saying all girls like skincare. (쫑쫑: 아무래도 일반적인 소녀들을 뜻하는 거겠죠?)
The is used for emphasizing, for being specific.
If we don't use 'The', we are saying generally.
No.5- Have learnt Meaning you learnt something not so long ago.
Learnt a lot meaning you learnt something sometime ago in the past.
The difference is the time period. (쫑쫑: 지난번에 알려줬죠? 고마워요!)
Like have eaten means you have eaten not long ago.
Eaten means you have eaten sometime ago.
[원어민 2]
대기중... :)

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/231 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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