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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.05.05. 육지 거북이 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ be on someone's mind 생각이 들다
★ raise a pet 반려동물을 키우다
★ a big commitment 부담이 큰 과업[약속]
★ come across ~을 우연히 접하다
★ less of a burden 더 적은 부담
★ specialize in ~을 전문으로 취급하다
★ endangered species 멸종 위기종
★ file papers with ~에 등록 절차를 거치다
★ mostly feed on ~을 주식으로 삼다
★ have a reputation for ~한 것으로 널리 알려지다
★ be far from the truth 사실과 크게 다르다
★ take aback 놀란, 당황하는
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ attractive, hearty, and easy to care for 매력적이고, 튼실하며, 보살피기 쉬운
★ shed no fur 털이 빠지지 않는다
★ excellent lifetime pets 아주 훌륭한 평생 반려동물
★ docile and rather shy 순하고 다소 겁이 많은
★ calm demeanor 평온한 태도
★ present challenges 어려움을 주다
★ dietary habits 식습관
★ a variety of foods 다양한 먹이
★ have voracious appetites 왕성한 식욕을 가지고 있다
2022.05.05 [입트영] Raising a Pet Tortoise (육지 거북이 키우기) [귀트영] Do Tortoises Make Good Pets? (육지거북이는 좋은 반려동물일까?) |
1. dash |
미국∙영국 [ dæʃ ]
2. commitment | |
3. tortoise |
미국∙영국 [ tɔ́:rtəskɔ́:r ]
4. docile |
5. demeanor | |
6. voracious | |
7. equivalent |
Word of the Day: Docile | Merriam-Webster
Word of the Day: Docile
Docile students can make teaching a lot easier. Nowadays, calling students 'docile' indicates they aren't trouble-makers; however, there's more than just good behavior connecting docility to
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
No.1-If you write ....it has a big commitment, you are saying that this 'It' is the one with a big commitment which doesn't make sense since the next sentence says '...but I'm all set for it'. (쫑쫑: 아.. 그렇겠네요. 그것 자체가 손이 많이 가는 일이라는 것이니까요. :)
So your answer in red was correct. (쫑쫑: ㅋㅋ 그건 책에 적혀있는 정답이에요. ^^)
No.2-Answer in red is correct. If you had written 'Accountant' department, you would be saying that the department belongs to the accountant but may not be used for accounting purposes. (쫑쫑: 아.. 어렵다.. 외워서 잘 쓰도록 해볼게요!)
No.3-Answer in red is correct as the word 'Broadcast' means 'To transmit message or send signal'.
Another way of writing-The channel(This channel refers to tv or radio channel) has a reputation for quality/excellent programs. (쫑쫑: channel도 쓸 수 있네요!)
No.4- Difference between using the word 'Raised' and 'Had'.
If you say 'Raised', it means that you bred a hamster.
If you say 'Had', it means you owned a hamster.
No.4- Answer in red is correct- 'When I was young'
[원어민 2]
대기중... :)

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/231 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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