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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.04.15. 아로마 테라피 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ spend a lot of time indoors 실내에서 많은 시간을 보내다
★ relax one's body and mind 심신을 안정시키다
★ come to learn about ~에 대해 알게 되다
★ all-natural remedy 자연 치유법
★ medicinal effects 약효
★ extracted from ~에서 추출된
★ have a calming effect 진정시키는 효과가 있다
★ lift someone's mood 기분 좋게 해 주다
★ make use of ~을 활용하다
★ in real life 실생활에서
★ breathe in 호흡을 들이쉬다
★ mixed in with ~와 섞인
★ check out 해 보다, 알아보다
★ get a splitting headache 심한 두통이 생기다
★ send someone a link 링크를 보내 주다
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ a holistic healing treatment 전체론적 치유법
★ has an array of unique healing properties 다양한 특유의 치유 효과가 있다
★ incorporated aromatic plants in oils 향료 식물을 오일에 첨가했다
★ were used for medical and religious purposes 의료 및 종교적인 목적으로 사용되었다
★ the sense of smell and skin absorption 후각과 피부 흡수
★ has gained more recognition 더 많은 인정을 받고 있다
★ buy from a reputable retailer 평판이 좋은 판매자로부터 구입하다
2022.04.15 [입트영] Aromatherapy (아로마 테라피) [귀트영] The Uses and Benefits of Aromatherapy (아로마 테라피의 활용과 장점) |
1. indoors | |
2. remedy | |
3. olfactory | |
4. holistic | |
5. absorption | |
6. reputable | |
7. synergistic |
synergistic ( synergistical )
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
1-For number 1, using 'An' is the correct way to write the sentence. (쫑쫑: remedy가 가산명사라서 그렇군요! 감사해요.)
There's no need to add medicine though it's correct but it's sounds long winded, like it sounds not so necessary to explain that the medicine is chemical or made from chemical. (쫑쫑: 네!)
I meant to say, there's no need to add 'Chemical'...typo error earlier.
Usually for medicine or herbal remedies to give you a calming effect, you have to take strolls or nice and slow walks.
Writing....walk quietly....in the sentence for no.3 sounds odd because you are writing to say...that if a person walks so softly that no one can hear, then the medicine or herbal remedy or anything the person eat could give him calming effect. (쫑쫑: 저도 쓰면서 이상하다.. 이상하다 하긴 했어요. 고마워요!)
My grandfather is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and we never say....walk quietly...to patients because that would mean we are telling the patient to walk so soft for medicine to take effect.
Instead, patients are asked to walk slow and relaxed.
No.3- If you write ....take a walk quietly, it means that if you walk very quietly (Like you are tip toeing), then you could have a calming effect. (쫑쫑: 발 끝으로 걷는 게 도움이 되려나..? :)
If you write....take a quiet walk, it means to take a nice and slow walk.
Taking a walk quietly sounds odd actually 😂😂 (쫑쫑: ㅋㅋㅋ)
If you meant to write....to walk almost very quietly that no one can hear you, then you write....'Quietly'.
But if you meant to say....To take a peaceful or slow, nice walk, then you could write it this way-
If you take a nice walk
If you take a slow walk
Or you could write....If you take a stroll.. (쫑쫑: 약간 나이든 사람들이 이렇게 걷는거라고 듣긴 했어요. ^^)
A stroll is a pleasant and slow walk and it fits the sentence above.
No.5.....Whenever I'm getting on the plane..
Whenever getting on the plane is broken English. (쫑쫑: 네, 앞으로는 주어 + 동사 다 넣어서 쓸게요. ^^)
[원어민 2]
3. If you take a walk quietly, it* can have a calming effect (on you). (쫑쫑: 아.. 진정되는 효과는 나에게로 오는 것이고 조용히 산책하는 것이 그 효과를 갖는거네요. 와.. 헷갈린다.)
5. I get a splitting headache whenever I get* on the plane. (쫑쫑: 저는 I am/I'm을 줄여서 쓴 것이었는데 아니었구나.. 예전에 한 번 틀렸던 것인데 역시 무섭네요. 습관 ㅜ.ㅜ 이제 틀린 이유를 알게 되서 너무 기뻐요. ^^)
I get a splitting headache whenever I am* getting on the plane.
♥ 늘 바쁜 와중에도 저의 영작을 꼼꼼히 봐주셔서 고마워요!
출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/125 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/188 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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