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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.03.30. 자격증 취득 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ slow to arrive 개선이 지연되는
★ take to heart 마음에 새기다
★ set my sights on ~을 목표로 삼다, 겨냥하다
★ understanding of ~에 대한 이해도
★ getting involved in ~에 참여하다
★ principal duty 주된 업무
★ doing test prep 시험 준비를 하다
★ stuck with the plan 계획대로 하다
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ advance your career 경력을 발전시키다
★ when the economic outlook is uncertain 경제적 전망이 불확실할 때
★ staying relevant 능력이 뒤처지지 않는 것
★ require specialized and hard-to-find skills 특화되고 구하기 힘든 능력을 요구한다
★ highlight accomplishments 성과물을 뽐내다
★ a great deal of competition 치열한 경쟁
★ look for candidates with experience 경력이 있는 후보를 찾는다
★ stand out from the sea of other applicants 수많은 다른 지원자들로부터 자신을 돋보이게 하다
2022.03.30 [입트영] Obtaining a National License (국가 자격증 취득) [귀트영] How Certifications Can Help You Advance Your Career (경력 발전에 도움이 될 수 있는 자격증) |
1. proactive | |
2. skillset |
3. accomplishments |
4. enroll |
5. relevant |
6. acquire |
7. hard-to-find |
8. lacking | |
9. hazardous |
[쫑쫑의 질문 + 원어민 2님의 답]
▶ 쫑쫑의 질문: license와 certificate의 차이가 영어에도 있나요?
▶ 원어민 2님의 답: 대부분 경우에 license가 certificate보다 더 많은 권한을 가져가요. 예를 들면 license는 기술을 수행하거나 비즈니스를 운영할 수 있는 법적 허가를 부여하고 certificate는 능력 수준이 있다는 학술적 증거예요.
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<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
1-The class helped to improve my understanding of the subject.
You already wrote it correct. This is just another way of writing.
2-I set my sights on reducing my weight by 5 kilos.
For No.4, we can't use 'Any longer' with the word 'Never' because 'Never' means you won't want to do it now and forever. Since the word 'Never' already says it all-that you don't want to do test preps anymore, then there's no need to add the word-Any longer because that would be wrong sentence construction.
However, Amber, I find this sentence funny though- I never want to do test prep anymore.
It should be -I never want to do test preps again or I never want to do a test prep again.
So correct answer for no.4 is -I never want to do test preps /a test prep again.
You can say- I never want to do test preps/do a test prep anymore.
'Never' can go with 'Anymore' or 'Again'
But if you want to write 'Any longer', then you can write this way-I can't do test preps any longer.
5-Although he is a hard worker, his improvements are slow paced/a little slow paced.
[원어민 2]
2. OMG!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
5. 더 자연스럽게: Although he is a hard worker, improvements are coming slowly.
♥ 하루 하루 행복 가득~

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/125 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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