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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.03.29. 아이들 성향 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ five-year age gap 5살 터울
★ born and raised 태어나고 자란
★ polar opposite 극과 극
★ introverted personality 내성적인 성격
★ slightest noise 아주 작은 소리
★ gets worked up 전전긍긍하다
★ good-humored 붙임성이 좋은, 긍정적인
★ act shy 낯을 가리다
★ days on end 며칠씩 연달아
★ in his age group 또래의
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ raising children is challenging 아이를 키우는 일은 힘들다
★ the second or third time around 두 번째 또는 세 번째로 할 때
★ the polar opposite of your first 첫 째의 정반대
★ an immense number of genetic combination 엄청난 수의 유전적 조합
★ is something of a crapshoot 일종의 도박과도 같다
★ never quite know what to expect 무엇을 기대해야 할지 전혀 알 수 없다
★ play a role in how children act 아이들의 행동 방식에 영향을 끼치다
★ share and compete for attention 관심을 공유하고 얻기 위해 경쟁하다
★ changes the way they behave 행동 방식을 변화시킨다
2022.03.29 [입트영] Two Kids, Two Personalities (두 아이의 다른 성향) [귀트영] How Can My Kids Be So Different? (우리 아이들은 어쩌면 성향이 그토록 다른가?) |
1. immense | |
2. blueprint | |
3. crapshoot |
4. subsequent | |
5. jokingly |
6. introvert |
introverted ( introvert )
<입트영 본문에 대한 쫑쫑의 질문 + 원어민 2님의 답>
▶ 쫑쫑의 질문: 마지막 문장에서 'at' his age가 맞지 않나요?
▶ 원어민2님의 답:
…he’s a little shorter than other kids _____.
…he’s a little shorter than other kids his age.
…he’s a little shorter than other kids at his age.
…he’s a little shorter than other kids who are his age.
…he’s a little shorter than other kids of his age.
^다 맞아요.
[FFE 그림영단어] immense = 헤아릴수 없이 거대한 :: Feel.Free.English (tistory.com)
[FFE 그림영단어] immense = 헤아릴수 없이 거대한
immense 헤아릴수 없이 거대한 vast; huge; very great: immeasurable; boundless - 가족의 탄생 (4) - 가족이란, 헤아릴 수 없이 많은 밤하늘의 별과 같이 많은 인연들 중에 사랑이란 연결고리로 하늘이 맺어준..
3 Ways to Jokingly Flirt with a Guy - wikiHow
How to Jokingly Flirt with a Guy
Laughter is a powerful thing, especially in relationships. If you're interested in a guy, being able to laugh with him is a great way to get your relationship off on the right foot. Joking around can add an element of fun and excitement to...
What are the signs of someone being sticky? - Quora - "What are the signs of someone being sticky? - Quora" https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-signs-of-someone-being-sticky
What are the signs of someone being sticky?
Answer (1 of 8): Generally speaking, they hang around you a lot, won’t take no for an answer, they are always the last person to leave a party, and often the first one to show up. They ask personal questions incessantly, want to know what you are doing a
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
Sentence No.1 is correct, regarded as a problem or considered a problem.
2-Regardless of how minor it is, you should report it
(Just another way of writing.)
For number 3, if you write....needs more difficult books in her age group, it means she needs to read more difficult books for people of her own age.
But if you write...needs more difficult books than others in her age group, it would mean that she must read more in terms of quantity compared to others who are the same age as her.
For number 5, you can 'I didn't know they were dating or going steady.
But since the beginning part of the sentence is in the past tense, then the last part of the sentence should be in the past tense too.
... because they were......
For present tense, you can write as:
I do not know/don't know (Present tense of Did is Do) that they are going steady because they are always at each other's throats.
I don't know whether or not they are going steady/if they are going steady because they often fought/argued/ they are often at each other's throats.
(쫑쫑: 그럼 정답이 좀 애매한거네요. Do you agree with me?)
[원어민 2]
대기중... :)
♥ 항상 고마운 마음 가득~

쫑쫑의 하루 中
If you see the picture carefully, you could figure out a lot of grains that some people spread for the little bird on the sky-colored board. It was my first time to see this kind of bird 🐦 It was very pretty.
-> (원어민 1님의 첨삭 추가!)
If you see the picture carefully, you could spot a lot of grains that some people spread for the little bird on the sky-colored board. It was my first time to see this kind of bird 🐦 It was very pretty.
Don't mind me correcting but 'To figure out' means to try to solve a solution, or try to understand something difficult or to discover something.
Exp-I have figured it out means I have found a solution to it or I have discovered something or I have understood what is it about.
However, in the above text, you are asking the reader to take a closer look or to study the picture carefully and the reader can see the seeds already, he/she doesn't need to figure out or discover or solve or try to understand where the seeds are placed.
So in the Sentence...you could figure out meaning you could discover or try to understand or try to solve shouldn't be written. Instead, write...You could easily spot or spot a lot of grains.
But if you want to use 'Figure out', you could write it this way-Take a careful look at the picture and see if you could figure out where the seeds are.
Oh yes, and another reason why you can't use ....figure out a lot of grains.... Is because you have told the reader where the seeds are placed.
You see, **, if you want to write 'Figure out', then you shouldn't tell the reader what should be figured out.
(쫑쫑: 저의 일과 중 있었던 일을 영어로 적어보고 싶어서 그냥 적어본거였는데 이렇게 feed-back을 주셔서 얼마나 감사한지 몰라요! 감사해요. 원어민 1님!!!)

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/125 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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