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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.01.19. 일기쓰기 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ write in one's diary: 일기를 쓰다
★ from time to time: 종종
★ major incident: 중대한 사건
★ for the most part: 대부분
★ jot down: 간단히 메모하다
★ at a given hour: 특정 시간에
★ get to thinking: 생각하게 되다
★ main competition: 주된 경쟁 상대
★ one's past self: 과거의 자신
★ look up: 찾아보다
★ consider it a success: 성공이라 여기다
★ doing well: 잘하는, 잘 지내는
★ make strides: 발전하다
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ there really is no bad reason to keep a journal 일기 써서 나쁜 일은 없다
★ get some perspective of life 삶에 대한 넓은 시야를 확보하다
★ cast off 던져버리다
★ irrespective of (= regardless of) the topic 주제와 상관없이
2022.01.19 [입트영] Keeping a diary for 20 years (일기) [귀트영] The benefits of Keeping a Journal (일기쓰기의 장점) |
1. wane |
2. perspective |
3. cast off |
4. incidental |
5. irrespective |
irrespective of
6. make strides | |
7. entry |
<영작 숙제>
[+ 원어민 1]
4-You can't improve yourself without looking back on your mistakes.
You will not be able to improve yourself without looking back on your mistakes.
You would not improve yourself if you do not look back on your mistakes
All your answers are correct!
[+ 원어민 2]
2. …my parents got disappointed 맞지만 대화 경우에 parents은 사람이 2명인 의미이니까 …my parents were disappointed은 듣기 조금 더 자연스러워요.
4. You can't be improved yourself… —> You can't improve yourself…
5. This restaurant reminds me of the time when I studied abroad. 문장은 좋아요.
그리고 여기서 when 단어 제거해서 This restaurant reminds of the time I studied abroad이라고 할 수 있어요.

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/5 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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