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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.01.17. 집 구하기 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ realtor's office: 부동산 중개업소
★ house hunting: 집구하기
★ sing a lease: 임대 계약을 하다
★ give it the once-over: 대강 점검하다
★ overall condition: 전반적인 상태
★ sign a contract: 계약을 체결하다
★ down payment: 계약금
★ pay the balance: 차액을 지불하다
★ move in: 입주하다
★ in increments of: ~의 단위로, 증가분으로
★ commission fee: 중개 수수료
★ fixed rate: 정해진 비율
★ types of housing: 주거 형태
★ single person household: 1인 가구
★ studio apartment: 원룸, 오피스텔
★ become commonplace: 보편화되다
★ pay monthly utilities: 매달 관리비를 내다
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ this is easier said than done 이는 말처럼 쉽지 않다
★ a great deal of patience 많은 인내심
★ for many years to come 앞으로 수년간
2022.01.17 [입트영] Finding a Home (집 구하기) [귀트영] How to pick the right house for your needs (본인에게 맞는 집을 고르는 방법) |
1. momentous |
2. entice |
3. eclipse |
4. aspirational |
5. equation |
6. proximity |
<영작 숙제>
[+ 원어민 1]
5-The technique was tested and now it's good to go.
We have to write 'It's' before the word 'Good to go’ because the other sentence was past tense.
'The technique 'WAS' used'.
Since the word 'WAS' is added in the Sentence, and the other words that follow are -'IS GOOD TO GO' is present tense, the word 'NOW' should be used to show a transition from past tense to present tense.
Another way to write:
The technology was tested and it is already good to go.
The rest are all correct!!!
1-You could be stressed out if you go house hunting/if you were to go house hunting.
Your Sentence was already Correct.
The one I wrote above is just a way of showing possiblity-That if you go house hunting, you could get stressed out.
[ + 원어민 2]
와우 모든 스스로 쓴 문장이 완벽해요! 진짜 번역 전문가로 일할 수 있나 봐요 ㅎㅎ
You could be stressed out when you go house hunting.은 백프로 맞는데 말하는 경우에 듣기에 자연스러운 대체문장으로 you can get stressed out when going house hunting.도 돼요~
그리고 4번에 대화 경우라면 선행 말을 따라서 대체단어도 있어요
A: Do you think just one quote is enough?
B: It’s better to get quotes from several companies.
A: What is your advice on receiving quotes from companies?
B: It’s ideal to get quotes from several companies.

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/5 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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