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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.07.29. 서점 에티켓/동네책방 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ trouble-saving 편리한, 수고를 덜어 주는
★ large-scale bookstore 대형 서점
★ mom and pop shop 지역 영세 상점
★ attend online 온라인으로 참여하다
★ exchange opinions 의견을 주고받다
★ cover a lot of ground 많은 내용을 다루다, 진도를 많이 빼다
★ social issues 사회 문제
★ discover a whole new world 신세계를 발견하다
★ the true value of ~의 진정한 가치[의미]
★ be deeply grateful to ~에게 매우 감사하다
♬ Pattern Practice & 영작 연습
1. trouble-saving 편리한, 수고를 덜어 주는
The device has several trouble-saving features. 그 기기에는 여러 가지 편리한 기능이 있다.
2. mom and pop shop 지역 영세 상점
I buy coffee from a little mom and pop shop every morning. 나는 매일 아침 조그마한 동네 가게에서 커피를 사 마신다.
3. the true value of ~의 진정한 가치[의미]
She reminded me of the true value of a gift. 그녀는 선물의 진정한 의미를 내게 다시 일깨워 줬다.
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ a little underhanded 다소 공정하지 못한
★ a brick-and-mortar bookstore 오프라인 서점
★ books you're planning to buy elsewhere 다른 곳에서 구입하려는 책
★ bring in any outside food or drinks 외부 음식물을 반입하다
★ sell their own food and drinks 직접 음식물을 판매한다
★ takes away a potential sale 잠재적인 판매 건을 빼앗는다
★ the rules to abide by 준수해야 할 규칙
★ how many books you're taking off the shelves 책장에서 책을 몇 권이나 꺼내고 있는지
★ cause difficulties for other customers 다른 고객들에게 어려움을 야기하다
2022.07.29 [입트영] Local Bookstores and Book Clubs (동네 책방과 북클럽) [귀트영] Things You Should Not Do in a Bookstore (서점에서 하지 말아야 할 것들) |
1. abide by | abide by 미국식 [동사] 준수하다, 지키다; …에 따라 행동하다, 감수하다. (=comply with, observe.) abide by something(법률·합의 등을) 따르다 abide by a decision재결에 따르다 abide by a contract계약을 지키다 abide by the decision결정을 따르다 |
2. brick-and-mortar | brick-and-mortar[형용사] 소매의, 오프라인 거래의. brick and mortar[명사] (재래식의) 소매(小賣) (거래). Brick And Mortar[Internet] (Abbr.) BAM. brick-and-mortar incumbent [명사] (과거 방식의)오프라인 거래 업자/종사자 bricks and mortar 미국식 [│brɪks n│mɔːrtər] 영국식 [│brɪks n │mɔːtə(r)] 1. [명사] (투자 대상으로서의) 건물[주택] 2. [명사] 오프라인 가게 |
3. perusing | peruse (perusing) 미국∙영국 [pəˈruːz] 미국식 [pəˈruːz] 영국식 중요[동사][격식 또는 유머] 숙독[정독]하다 peruse (perusing) 통독하다, 정독하다, 자세히 조사하다, 음미하다 |
4. oodles | oodles 미국∙영국 [ˈuːdlz] 미국식 [ˈuːdlz] 영국식 [명사][구식 비격식] 많음 (=loads) oodles of time많은 시간 |
5. diplomacy | diplomacy 미국식 [dɪ│ploʊməsi] 영국식 [dɪ│pləʊməsi] 중요 1. [명사] (국가간의) 외교(술) 2. [명사] (사람들 사이의) 사교 능력[외교 수완] (→shuttle diplomacy), (=tact) Diplomacy (PC)[게임명] [PC / 장르: 전략/전쟁 / 제조사: 파라독스 인터랙티브] 디플로머시 (PC) shuttle diplomacy 미국식 영국식 [명사] 왕복 외교(중재자가 두 나라나 그 이상의 나라 사이를 오가며 펼치는 외교) gunboat diplomacy 미국식 [명사] 포함[무력] 외교 international diplomacy국제 외교 |
♥ 입트영 본문 쫑쫑 낭독
♥ 귀트영 본문 쫑쫑 낭독
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
No.1-I can recommend you a trouble-saving app that has been a lifesaver for me. (Alternative sentence.) (쫑쫑: 대안 문장까지! 고마워용 :)
No.2-Every weekend, I have breakfast at a mom and pop shop in my neighborhood. (Your sentence had the words mixed up so it didn't make sense.) (쫑쫑: 아! in my neighborhood)
No.3-Forgot vs Have forgotten
Forgot is past tense. Meaning yesterday you forgot but perhaps today or tomorrow, you might remember.
Have forgotten is present perfect, meaning that you forgot yesterday or a long time ago and until to now, you still forgot. (쫑쫑: 현재완료는 지금까지도 영향을 주는 것)
Exp: I forgot what he told me-Yesterday or some time ago, he told me something and I forgot but maybe next day, now or tomorrow, I might remember.
Exp: I have forgotten when did I started helping Amber, meaning that I cannot remember when I first helped you out and until now and tomorrow and so forth, I will keep forgetting when did I first help you. (쫑쫑: did가 들어간 이유는 강조의 의미인거죠?)
So Forgot is past tense, maybe tomorrow or someday I may remember.
Have forgotten is forgot about something and will keep on forgetting.
The nuances, my beloved Amber.
So your answer for no.2 is correct. Forgot or have forgotten is correct. The difference is how long one can keep on forgetting. (쫑쫑: 얼마동안 잊어버리고 있었느냐, 지금까지도 영향을 주느냐)
No.4-Used to be vs Was
If you use Was, it is to show that being a bookworm was one of the things you being as. Sort of like a phase, like it's something you were once for a short while in the past.
Exp: I was a doctor-Meaning you were a doctor but then you may have changed jobs in that past. So you were a doctor in the past for only a short while before being something else.
If you use 'Used to be', it is to show regularity. So if you say, I used to be a bookworm-meaning that in the past, you were a bookworm for a long while.
Exp: I used to be a lawyer-Meaning that in the past, I worked as a lawyer for a very long time; it's a job that I did regularly.
Was is short while in the past.
Used to be is doing or being something regularly. (쫑쫑: 한때 그랬지는 was, 한때 규칙적으로 뭔가 였지/했었지는 used to!)
No.4-Started to work and started working are correct

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