쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.07.16. Transplant Organs Delivered by Drones 드론으로 이송된 장기 이식 본문

[EBS] Power English 파워잉글리시

[Power English 파워잉글리시] 22.07.16. Transplant Organs Delivered by Drones 드론으로 이송된 장기 이식

반짝반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 7. 14. 10:46

Power expressions and Examples


1. to be on the safe side - to be cautious about something

    (국문 설명) 신중을 기하기 위해, 안전을 위해

    → (예문)  To be on the safe side, I'm only putting 1 percent of my money in this risky investment.


2. the new normal - a previously uncommon event that has become commonplace

    (국문 설명) 새로운 일상

    → (예문) Working from home has become the new normal.


3. so far - up to this moment

    (국문 설명) 지금까지, 현재까지

    → (예문) So far, we've collected 200 kilos of canned food for the poor.



<Power practice>


1. 안전을 위해 창문 위에 나무를 못박자. (to be on the safe side)

쫑쫑의 영작: To be on the safe side, let's nail some wood on the window.

Correction: To be on the safe side, let's nail up some wood on the windows.


2. 남자들이 번 헤어(똥 머리)를 하는 것이 새로운 일상이 되었다. (the new normal)

쫑쫑의 영작: It became the new normal for men to get their hair bun.

Correction: Men wearing buns on their heads has become the new normal.


3. 현재까지 토니는 자전거 경주에서 11분 차이로 앞서고 있습니다. (so far)

쫑쫑의 영작: So far, Tony is aheading the cycling race by 11 minutes.

Correction: So far, Tony is leading in the bicycle race by 11 minutes.