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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 21.12.14. 임신 & 엄마 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ have no idea: 전혀 모르다
★ a big task: 힘든 일
★ without a hitch: 차질 없이
★ smooth sailing: 순조로운 진행
★ have a miscarriage: 유산을 하다
★ come to learn that: ~을 깨닫게 되다
★ put up with: ~을 참다
★ difficult ordeal: 힘든 시련
★ actively participate in: ~에 적극적으로 참여하다
★ increased stress levels: 높아진 스트레스 수준
★ environmental factors: 환경적인 요인
★ blame oneself: 자책하다
★ fall into depression: 우울감에 빠지다
★ be not at fault: 잘못이 없다
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ have mixed feelings 심정이 복잡하다
★ find it difficult to cope with the changes 변화에 대응하기가 힘들게 느껴지다
★ worry about changes to roles and relationships 역할 및 관계에 생기는 변화에 대해 걱정하다
★ how women feel during pregnancy 임신 중인 여성이 체감하는 상태
★ experience mental health problems in pregnancy 임신 중에 정신 건강 문제를 겪는다
★ can strike during pregnancy 임신 중에 발생할 수 있다
★ the severity of these conditions can vary 이러한 질환들의 강도가 달라질 수 있다
★ increase the risk of becoming unwell 건강이 악화될 위험성을 높이다
★ can be confused with symptoms of mental illness 정신 질환 증상과 혼동될 수 있다
2021.12.14 [입트영] Becoming a Mom (엄마가 된다는 것) [귀트영] Mental Health in Pregnancy (임신 중 정신 건강) |
1. cope |
2. morning sickness |
3. strike |
4. vary |
5. prior |
6. unwell |
7. broken sleep |
8. hitch |
9. miscarriage |
10. ordeal |
11. blame |
<영작 숙제>
[+ 원어민 첨삭]
(첨삭 1)
We can condense number 3 into a more concise sentence:
"I blamed myself for our team's low score."
Number 4 technically makes sense, but saying "*the message* hits home" offers more detail and information.
(첨삭 2)
(Blame "someone" for "something") use 'for' because the word blame need someone and something to be blamed for.. while 'about' is more used as a concern like 'I am worried about you'
No.4 is new to me, i just learn "hits home" is an idiom used to desribe someones realize the fact/truth that is emotionally personal to you/to many people that can relate… (궁금)(궁금)

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/5 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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