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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.03.16. 부상/회복 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ take a tumble 넘어지다
[유사한 표현]
· She took a tumble. 넘어져서 때굴때굴 굴렀다
· She fell. = She fell down. 넘어졌다
· She tripped over/on something 걸려 넘어졌다
· She slipped and fell. 미끄러져 넘어졌다
★ early morning workout 새벽운동
★ suffer from 잃다, 시달리다
★ bone density 골밀도
★ major concern 큰 걱정거리
★ have mobility problems 거동이 불편하다
★ take it in turns 차례대로 돌아가면서 하다
★ care worker 요양 보호사
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ physical recovery 신체적 회복
★ have lasting effects 지속적인 영향을 미치다
★ in the right frame of mind 마음 상태가 올바른
★ change your perspective 본인의 시각을 바꾼다
★ critical to your recovery 회복에 대단히 중요한
★ goals are too big 목표가 너무 높다
★ risk not fulfilling them 그것을 달성하지 못할 위험이 있다
★ focus on what you can control 통제 가능한 것들에 집중한다
2022.03.16 [입트영] A Parent's Injury (부모님이 다치신 경험) [귀트영] Ways that Help Recovering Mentally from an Injury (부상에서 정신적으로 회복하는 것을 돕는 방법) |
1. neglect |
2. latter |
------------------------ 발음이 유사하나 철자는 다른 단어 살펴보기---------------------
3. perspective |
4. ache | |
5. goal | |
6. osteoporosis |
osteoporosis ( brittle bone disease )
7. kneecap |
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Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I’m wrong, you just haven’t seen life from my position. — Anonymous Probably the greatest issue facing the world today is the failure to take “the other side’s” perspective. Whether it’s between poli
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5 Thoughts on Goal Setting for 2017 | Inc.com
What will help you stay on track.
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
Your answers in orange including your original answers were correct for No.1, 2, 3, 4.
For No.5-The news weighed on me all week.
[원어민 2]
2. 대안표현: My father has mobility problems, but they’re manageable.
3. 우와 in no time이라고 써서 원러민 것 같아요 ^^ (쫑쫑통역) 우와! in no time이라고 써서 원어민이 쓴 것 같아요 ^^ (아싸~~)
4. 대안표현: I injured myself (while) hiking last weekend.
5. 대안표현: The news weighed on me all throughout the week.
♥ 두 분 너무 너무 고마워요~ :)

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/125 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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