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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.01.06. 내향적 성격 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ animated personality 활발한 성격
★ shrinking violet 수줍음이 아주 많은 사람
★ have a strong mentality 정신력이 강하다
★ be taken aback 놀라다
★ introverted 내향적인
★ extroverted 외향적인
★ based only on ~만을 바탕으로
★ derive energy from ~으로부터 에너지를 받다
★ external factors 외부적인 요인
★ fit squarely into ~에 딱 들어맞다
★ have aspects of both 양쪽 성향을 모두 가지고 있다
★ be considered preferable 더 낫다고 여겨지다
★ tent to be ~인 경향이 있다.
★ sunny personality 밝은 성격
★ lift someone's mood ~의 기분을 좋게 하다
★ never would have guessed 짐작도 못했다
★ get that a lot 그 말을 많이 듣는다
★ alone time 혼자만의 시간
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ the most reserved and thoughtful person 가장 말수가 적고 생각이 깊은 사람
★ introversion is not a separate personality trait 내향성은 별도의 성격 특성이 아니다
★ thrive in busy environments 북적이는 분위기를 즐긴다
★ enjoy being part of a crowd 군중의 일부가 되는 것을 즐긴다
★ people mistake them as apathetic 사람들이 그들을 무관심한 것으로 오해한다
2022.01.06 [입트영] Invtroverted Personality (내향적인 성격) [귀트영] What is an introvert? (내향적 성격이란?) |
1. introvert |
introverted ( introvert )
2. envision |
envisage ( envision )
3. ironically |
4. trait |
5. extrovert |
extrovert ( extravert )
6. impulsively |
7. thrive |
8. gregarious |
9. solitude |
10. prosper |
11. apathetic |
12. take aback |
13. derive |
14. squarely |
<영작 숙제>
[+ 원어민 첨삭]
2-The article fitted squarely into the subject we were studying
The article fits squarely into the article we are studying
3-There are things that were considered preferable in the past but not anymore
4-You can say 'Attracted by' or 'Drawn To' .
Both are actually Correct and carries the same meaning.
출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/5 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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