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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.06.02. 삶의 모토/현실(현재)에 충실 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ as a teenager 10대 때
★sound cool 멋있게 들리다
★ the true meaning 진정한 의미
★ further crystalize 더욱 확고하게 하다
★ time travel movie 시간 여행 영화
★ go back in time 과거로 돌아가다
★ in the present 현재에
★ lead to new problems 새로운 문제를 유발하다
★ repeated attempts 여러 번의 시도
★ a perfect solution 완벽한 해결책
★ treasure the present 현재를 소중히 여기다
★ give one's best 최선을 다하다
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ live by the motto: "seize the momnet" '현실에 충실하라'라는 좌우명을 따른다
★ take full advantage of life's opportunities 삶의 기회를 적극 활용하다
★ live life to one's full potential 자신의 잠재력을 최대한으로 발휘해 살다
★ grab the opportunities that come 다가오는 기회를 포착한다
★ create your own opportunities 자신이 직접 기회를 창출해 낸다
★ run with it 스스로 밀고 나간다, 추진한다
★ a nagging concept 신경 쓰이는 개념(요소)
★ in the back of my mind 내 마음 속 한 편에
★ after all is said and done 다 따지고 보면
2022.06.02 [입트영] My Life's Motto (내 삶의 모토) [귀트영] The "Seize the Moment" Attitude ('현실에 충실하라' 마음가짐) |
1. unsolicited | unsolicited 미국∙영국 [ˌʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd] 미국식 [ˌʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd] 영국식 [형용사] 청하지 않은 unsolicited advice청하지도 않은 충고 unsolicited manuscripts청하지도 않은 원고 unsolicited testimonials자발적인 증명서(의뢰하지 않은). Unsolicited Call[금융] 불초청권유 규제 |
2. seize | seize 미국∙영국 [siːz] 영국식 중요 1. [동사] 와락[꽉] 붙잡다[움켜잡다] (=grab) 2. [동사] (흔히 폭력을 써서) 장악하다, 점령하다 3. [동사] 체포하다, 붙잡다 seizure (seize) 미국∙영국 [ˈsiːʒə(r)] 영국식 1. [명사] 압수[몰수](량) 2. [명사] (무력을 이용한) 장악, 점령 3. [명사][구식] (병의) 발작 seize[grab] a(n) opportunity[chance]기회를 잡다 seize up 1. 멈추다[작동을 안 하다] 2. (신체 부위가) 잘 움직이지 않다[말을 안 듣다] seize on/upon something(특히 이롭게 이용할 수 있겠다 싶어서) ~에 달려들다 (=pounce on/upon) |
3. nugget | nugget 미국∙영국 [ˈnʌɡɪt] 영국식 1. [명사] (땅에서 발견되는 귀금속, 특히 금) 덩어리 2. [명사] 너겟(작고 동그랗게 만든 음식) 3. [명사] <작지만 가치 있는 생각·사실 등> (=snippet) [Queef] Nugget 출처: UrbandictionarySomething entirely non-dirty: a unit of food consisting of corn and whey, often fed to goats to increase fertility during the mating months. nugget (shark) 출처: Urbandictionaryanother way of not saying a swear word. a useful nugget of information유용한 정보 한 가지 a nugget (of gold)생금덩이 |
4. exacerbate | exacerbate 미국식 [ɪɡ│zæsərbeɪt] 영국식 [ɪɡ│zæsəbeɪt] [동사][격식] (특히 질병·문제를) 악화시키다 (=aggravate) exacerbate 격분시키다, 매우 화나게 하다, 악화시키다 Exacerbate[Physiology] (Abbr.) EX. Exacerbate 1. make worse 2. excess + celebrate, Too much celebration make situation worse. A sincere celebration is enough. exacerbate the mess[chaos]혼란을 가중시키다 |
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: seize – WordReference Word of the Day
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: seize – WordReference Word of the Day
Seize dates back to the mid- to late 13th century, as the Middle English noun saisen or seisen, which was originally a legal term meaning ‘to take possession of something’ or ‘take something by force,’ and was usually in reference to feudal propert
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1] (쫑쫑: 와우! 오늘은 코멘트가 아주 아주 길어요 :)
no.1-If you write 'With', you are describing what the show is related or associated with.
Exp: This movie is an action packed film with transformers in it(Here, I describing how this show is action show. By saying that it contains transformers in it, I'm saying that the transformers and the action movie are related)
If you write 'About', you are telling what the show is about and you are relating it to anything. (쫑쫑: 여기도 뉘앙스 차이가 있네요!)
Exp: This movie is about the true story of the obstacles faced by a refugee.
Here, I use about to tell the listener the overall summary of the show. I'm not relating or associating the movie to anything but telling the listener what the whole show is about.
Whereas if I use 'With', I'm actually giving you my thoughts on the show my finding something relatable to the show. (쫑쫑: 아~ 뭔가 더 연관이 되어 있는 느낌이 들어요.)
Another Exp: This movie is a documentary with video clips of captured soldiers getting tortured by the soldiers. (Here, I have found something I can relate to the show and that is by taking any video clip that was featured in the show and tell you my thoughts by saying this movie is a documentary with video clips etc. I'm not telling you what the show is about but rather describing the show based on my perspective or thoughts)
Amber, I hope I didn't confuse you 😁 (쫑쫑: Don't worry! I can understand you fully.)
So 'About' is telling what something is about without the teller relating it to something else.
'With' is giving a description by taking something relatable and make a relation.
No.2-Both answers are correct.
Won't is Will not
Wouldn't is Would not
No.3-Exam is a bigger test. (쫑쫑: 아하! exam은 뭔가 더 단위가 큰 시험이네요. 한국어로는 그냥 시험, 테스트.. 라고 하는데요.)
Test is smaller than Exam
In other words, both correct but meanings are different.
No.4-Both Correct
No.5-If you try once. Yours was written backwards. (쫑쫑: ㅋㅋ 네 고마워요!)
[원어민 2]
대기중... :)
출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/231 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부:티스토리]
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