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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.03.21. 갯벌 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ be of no use 쓸모가 없다
★ play a huge role 큰 역할을 하다, 많은 영향을 끼치다
★ various types of seafood 다양한 종류의 해산물
★ home to ~의 서식지
★ endangered species 멸종 위기종
★ provide a habitat 서식할 곳을 제공하다
★ filter out pollutants 오염 물질을 정화하다
★ be recognized 인정받다
★ preseve biodiversity 생물 다양성을 보존하다
★ be inscribed as ~으로 등재되다
★ be up to ~의 책임이다, ~에게 달려 있다
★ as best one can 최선을 다해
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ is regularly flooded by tides 주기적으로 조류에 의해 침수된다
★ in sheltered areas 보호된 지역에
★ popular bird-watching spots 인기 있는 조류 관찰 명소
★ are in danger of destruction 파괴될 위험에 처해 있다
★ has caused sea levels to rise 해수면 상승을 유발했다
★ (has) submerged many mudflats 많은 갯벌을 침수시켰다
★ have no economic potential 경제적 잠재력이 없다
★ have been opened up to tourists 관광객들에게 개방되었다
★ one of the main tourist activities 대표적인 관광 활동 중 하나
2022.03.21 [입트영] Getbol, Korea's Tidal Flats (한국의 갯벌) [귀트영] Why Are Mudflats Important? (갯벌이 중요한 이유) |
1. tidal |
2. endanger |
3. stork |
4. pollutant | |
5. inscribe | |
6. mudflat | |
7. cove |
8. lagoon |
9. migratory |
10. erosion |
Tidal definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary (collinsdictionary.com)
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Life-giving land: Tidal flats are haven for marine creatures (koreaherald.com)
Life-giving land: Tidal flats are haven for marine creatures
The winter season of the northern port of Doripo of Muan County, South Jeolla Province, is one of the busiest times for mullet fishing. Mullet from the mudflats of Muan is a local delicacy that was offered at the king’s table during the Joseon period (13
What Is A Lagoon? - WorldAtlas
What Is A Lagoon?
The water of a lagoon is protected from the ocean, or larger body of water, by a barrier such as a sandbar, small islands, or a reef.
Examples of Wind Erosion: Causes and Effects (yourdictionary.com)
Examples of Wind Erosion: Causes and Effects
Across the globe, wind erosion impacts Earth’s surfaces by disrupting soil from the ground. Examine its causes and effects with wind erosion examples.
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
2-It looks ordinary though it actually belongs to an endangered species.
It appears/seems ordinary but it actually belongs to an endangered species.
3-I washed/cleaned the scar/wound as best as I could.
4-There were a variety of hands-on activities prepared for kids in the resort.
Your original answer for No.4 was correct.
Answer in orange for Sentence No.1 is correct.
For No.3, you can't say ....washed out the scar because you can clean a scar but if you wash out, it wouldn't make sense.
Wash out means you are like removing the scar...that would be weird😂
But you can wash out stains off clothes.
[원어민 2]
보니깐 대안표현 하나도 생각 안 나요.. 그러니까 **가 완전히 원어민처럼 자연스럽게 쓴 뜻이죠~ 잘했어요 ^^
♥ 감사 또 감사! 아마 지역의 차이도 있을 것 같아요. 한 분은 미국, 한 분은 영국권.. ^^

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/125 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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