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쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부
[입트영/귀트영] 22.04.05. 랜선여행/가상투어 본문
<입트영 주요표현>
★ got a taste 대충 맛뵈기
★ satisfy someone's thirst for 갈증해소
★ in real life 실생활에서
★ get a sense of vicarious satisfactions 대리만족을 하다
★ twice yearly 매년 두 번씩
★ come to an abrupt stop 갑자기 중단되다
★ part of one's daily routine 일상의 일부
★ look up 찾아보다
★ bring up memories 추억을 떠올리다
★ travel destination 여행지
★ the reality is ~ 이 현실이다, 실상이다
★ virtual trip 가상 여행
<귀트영 주요표현>
★ the destinations to which people travel 사람들이 방문하는 여행 목적지
★ have the luxury to visit their dream locations 꿈에 그리는 여행지에 방문하는 호사를 누린다
★ eliminate the time spent traveling 이동 소요 시간을 없앤다
★ surmount the challenge of location 위치에 의한 제약을 극복하다
★ overcome the constraints of time 시간상의 제약을 극복한다
★ is closed for the weekend 주말에 영업을 하지 않는다
★ zoom in to appreciate the finer details 세세한 세부 사항까지 감상할 수 있도록 확대하다
★ offer a 360-degree view 360도 시야를 제공한다
★ as if they were really there 마치 그들이 실제로 그곳에 있는 것처럼
2022.04.05 [입트영] Traveling Virtually from Home (집에서 랜선 여행하기) [귀트영] The Advantages of Virtual Tours and Trips (가상 투어와 여행의 장점) |
1. vary |
2. surmount | |
3. virtual | |
4. constraints |
5. inclement | |
6. incorporate |
7. abrupt | |
8. trailer |
Synonym of the Day - surmount | Thesaurus.com
Can you guess the Synonym of the Day for March 12, 2021?
Expand your vocabulary with a new synonym every day from Thesaurus.com. Improve your writing and communication skills by learning different ways to say surmount
<영작 숙제>
♥ 국문 + 영문정답 쫑쫑 낭독
[원어민 1]
For Number 1- Bungee Jumping is a noun. Not a verb.
And most people always say and write it as -Bunjee jumping instead of bunjee jumped.
No.3-This expression is used mostly/a lot/often/very often/frequently in real life.
You can also write-This expression is constantly used in real life.
Ok, for No.5, the word 'See' and 'Watch' have different meanings.
To see means to look directly at someone or something. Seeing is not observing but just using your eyes to see without the intention of observing. (쫑쫑: 넵. 그럼 watch가 아무래도 더 낫겠네요. 우리도 거의 TV에 나오는 사람들이 먹는 걸 보면서 대리만족을 많이 느끼니까요. :)
To watch is to look at something or someone for a certain amount of time and pay attention to it or to the actions.
Seeing means I just use my eyes to see something for a short while, but I have no intention of observing or paying attention to my target or to whoever my eyes were seeing.
Watching means I use my eyes to look at my target for a certain amount of time and have the intention of observing or remembering.
So in No.5, you should write it as -.......watching others eat.
If you write-Watching others eating...means they are eating right at the moment you are watching them.
But if you write...Watch others eat...means they can be eating or not eating but you just like to watch them eat. (쫑쫑: 아.. 이게 포인트네요! 꼭 그 순간에 먹는 게 아니라할지라도..)
For example: I like to watch others eat-Means I like to observe people eat and they don't have to be eating right now.
They can be eating anytime, just I like to watch them eat.
But if u say-I like to watch others eating-Means you like to watch when they are eating at the moment that you are watching. (쫑쫑: 사실 저는 이걸 의도하긴 했어요.^^)
You did so well, **!
[원어민 2]
대기중... :)

출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/125 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
출처: https://kijeongkim.tistory.com/188 [쫑쫑이와 EBS 영어공부]
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